Questions from our users
Is there an API or web link to upload or import addresses to the Route Planner App?
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Questions from our users
What happens if you cancel during the free trial?
How can you reverse the order of stops in a route once it’s created or optimized?
How to export the optimized route?
Is Upper Route Planner App available on PC, Laptop or website?
Is there an API or web link to upload or import addresses to the Route Planner App?
Is there a Landscape Mode for iPads?
Are there any company discounts? - UPS, Fedex, etc.
Can I change the order of the stops after Optimizing? The "Go Here" Option after optimizing and starting the route
Is there a way to find the coordinates of each stop? Latitude and Longitude for each stop?
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Is there an API or web link to upload or import addresses to the Route Planner App?
Yes. We can help you integrate the import API with your existing systems like ordering, e-Commerce, etc. Please reach out to us at support@upperinc.com .
As for the web based import, click here to find out more on how you can use the web based import function .