Routes and Stops - Create, Edit and Manage
How to create a New Route with different Start and End addresses?
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Routes and Stops - Create, Edit and Manage
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How to create a New Route with different Start and End addresses?
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How to create a New Route with different Start and End addresses?
Once signed in, you will be on the main page where you will see all your routes: Drafts, Active, Expired, Completed, and Favourites.
To create a new route with default options:
- Click on the " plus button " button and choose "New Route"
- Edit the route name of your choice if you want
- Add a start address
Add any number of stops in between in any order (Since Route Planner App algorithm will optimize the route later)
- Add an end address
Once all the stops are added, you can either choose to " Optimize Button " (recommended) and " Start Route button ".
You always have the option to edit and add more stops even in the middle of completing the route.