Routes and Stops - Create, Edit and Manage
Is there a limit to the number of locations or stops entered?
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Routes and Stops - Create, Edit and Manage
How to create a New Route with Custom Settings?
How to create a New Route with different Start and End addresses?
Round Trip - How to make a round trip?
What to do after optimization? Proof of Delivery, Signature, Photo, Notes
Why is there an option to skip optimization?
Is there a limit to the number of locations or stops entered?
Can I add a repetitive route? or Can I duplicate existing route?
What does Average Time per stop mean and how do I set it?
How to edit stops in routes?
What does Driving Preference Avoid Mean and How Do I Set It?
How to Add Stops in Routes?
How to import stops to create a new route?
Avoiding tolls on your route
Can I avoid U Turn? Is there an option for "right side offload only"?
How to add a stop manually on map with a pinpoint? Pin point on specific Coordinates
Parcel Place in vehicle
Parcel Info Setting
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Is there a limit to the number of locations or stops entered?
Yes. For each route you create in the app, you can add up to 500 stops. Though there is not limit for the number of routes as of now.
NOTE: You must be on a subscription to add more than 2 or more routes though! Make sure you subscribe to the free 3 days trial.